The ambition of the SEAGLOW consortium is to demonstrate clearly and unequivocally that the use of a combination of appropriate technologies is a game-changer, allowing the cost-efficient reduction of fuel consumption, benefiting the fishing community and the environment, and accelerating the opportunities for positive change.
In February 2023, the European Commission published a set of measures to improve the sustainability and resilience of the EU’s fisheries and aquaculture sector, including the Communication on the Energy Transition of the EU Fisheries and Aquaculture sector. The main objectives of the measures are to promote the use of cleaner energy sources and reduce dependency on fossil fuels as well as reduce the fishing sector’s impact on marine ecosystems.
Seaglow will actively contribute to achieving two main directions of change

Increasing energy efficiency in the short to medium term
Making a gradual switch from fossil fuels to other renewable and low-carbon energy sources.
The indicative target for the fishing sector is to reduce fossil fuel intensity (in litres per kg landed product) by >15 % from 2019 to 2030, with the ultimate goal being CO2 neutrality by 2050. The actions will allow time for investments, and the transition is expected to be carried out gradually to help the sector adapt. As part of the process, the action plan includes initiatives to stimulate research and innovation, develop the required labour skills, and improve the business and investment environment, including funding.
Challenges in Meeting Energy Demands in the context of the Blue Economy
Balancing Sustainable Energy Solutions with Maritime Industry Realities

While the challenges are known, meeting the energy demands required for transformation within the blue economy is difficult. Current legislation requires that replacement power trains must have the same power or less than the original engine and may include requirements for lower CO2 outputs.
New technologies may have a higher weight than conventional diesel engines, which can play into the fishing capacity, which is based on gross tonnage. Particularly for older, smaller fishing vessels, size is frequently an issue as new equipment may take up more space or affect the stability of the vessel. This capacity ceiling can also be even more hindered by a lack of suitable port infrastructure to service and maintain engines.

There is a significant knowledge and skills gap, with many fishing industry operatives unaware of new, more efficient technologies and a lack of practical skills for working with new propulsion technologies. The industry is aging, with many boat owners now over the age of 502, and it has proved difficult to attract younger people to the industry.
There are relatively high investment costs of adopting certain energy-efficient or low-carbon propulsion technologies, compared with the limited revenues of most vessels in the fishing fleet, which make investments a risk and can delay implementation of new technologies. Finally, there is some resistance in the industry due to tradition and the desire to maintain a known and tested lifestyle.

The SEAGLOW consortium recognises the challenges in the industry and the political directions established in the European Green Deal, and particularly the new approach for the blue economy. It builds interlinked, complementary, and cross-cutting pilot cases across the Baltic and North Sea, demonstrating suitable technologies which can have short, medium, and long-term effects. Seaglow pilots are supported by high-quality data, working to improve investments into appropriate energy transition solutions.
The consortium uses a combination of technologies and methods which are considered suitable for the industry in terms of cost, support, and maintenance. The combination of these technologies, operating in a cross-cutting and complementary way and utilising the partnership’s combined skills, experiences, and networks, is based on a novel approach, building new energy transition partnerships at various levels.
HORIZON-MISS-2023-OCEAN-01-05 – Lighthouse in the Baltic and the North Sea basins – Green and energy-efficient small-scale fishing fleets – Project: 101157477 — SEAGLOW
Photo credits for this page: @Len Duevel @Seaglow